EMDR Special Techniques

Powerful EMDR techniques for EMDR therapy

EMD bomb, Flash 1.0, Flashforward and Mental Video Check


In this workshop, Ad de Jongh and Suzy Matthijssen explain how special EMDR techniques can be used to treat patients with a variety of mental health conditions, including Complex PTSD. They will demonstrate how to deal with the ingrained avoidance patterns of patients who are too afraid and avoidant to start trauma-focused therapy. By means of extensive - and step-by-step demonstrations, they will illustrate the application of these EMDR 2.0-techniques including the “EMDR Bomb”, treatment using the blind to therapy mode for shameful memories, the first version of the Flash technique, and various titration techniques for maintaining the processing within the window of tolerance, both for its use in face-to-face therapy and online EMDR

therapy. Of all the techniques used in EMDR therapy, the flashforward technique may not only be the most powerful, but its effectiveness has also been strongly scientifically substantiated. In this workshop, you will learn how to use the flashforward technique in combination with the Mental Video Check, another technique that is used as an indispensable part of the treatment of anxiety disorders with EMDR therapy. Participants will also learn how to apply these EMDR 2.0 techniques to patients with complex trauma histories, including those who are inclined to dissociate.

Date: 24.01.2025

Time: 15:30-22:00 CET







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